Allens People’s Choice Award

International law firm Allens continues its ongoing support of Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi’s People’s Choice Award. The Allens People’s Choice Award for Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2024 was awarded to Drew McDonald for ‘Sharnana’, a 2m long shark-banana hybrid made from recycled plastic, calcium carbonate, steel and acrylic paint.

Drew McDonald, ‘Sharnana’, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2024. Photo Charlotte Curd

Says McDonald, “The illogical nature of ‘Sharnana’ – a shark emerging from a peeled banana – mirrors the chaotic nature of our existence. But ‘Sharnana’ isn’t about dread and despair; it’s about embracing the surreal humour of life’s contradictions and finding joy in the everyday”.

McDonald is an emerging artist who, after studying for the past five years (Visual Arts UTAS 2019 and QCA 2020), realised his passion for sculpture and is now unveiling himself to the art world. He uses his inspiration from Dada, Surrealism and Pop Art Movements to create absurd amalgamations of everyday iconography and nautical creatures. This is his first time exhibiting at Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi or, indeed, anywhere publicly.

The Allens People’s Choice Award gives visitors the opportunity to vote for their favourite sculpture, with the winning artist receiving $5,000, announced on the final weekend of the exhibition. Voters also go in the draw to win one of three Sculpture by the Sea prize packs valued at $500 each.

Recent recipients of the Allens People’s Choice Award:

  • Juan Pablo Pinto & Cristian Rojas, ‘The Hermitage’, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2023
  • Bruno Catalano, ‘Benoit’, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2022
  • Joel Adler, ‘Viewfinder’ Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2019
  • Gillie and Marc Schattner, ‘Portmanteau’, Sculpture by Sea, Bondi 2018
  • April Pine, ‘Trip I, Trip II, Trip III’, and Marina Debris, ‘Inconvenience Store’, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2017