• Burger Community Group Tactile Tour, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2022. Photo Henri Fanti


We are delighted to announce that bookings are now open for Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2024. The exhibition dates are Friday 18 October – Monday 4 November.

Our Access and Inclusion Program is always being further developed to ensure people of all ages and abilities can experience sculpture in a beautiful setting. Supporting the active role of individuals with diverse abilities within the community, and as audience members. The program also cultivates partnerships with organisations, schools, and individuals that represent people with disability. Our Tactile Tours Program accommodates for the needs of individuals with vision impairment and other needs regarding sensory processing.

Sculpture by the Sea would like to thank the Australia Council for the Arts, Waverley Council and the AGNSW Access Guides for making the Access and Inclusion Program and Tactile Tours possible.


ESL Tours

Led by a specialist educator, the tour will introduce the exhibition and present a selection of works with a focus on encouraging students use of language to describe subjective and objective responses to the sculptures and the processes involved in their creation.

Location: Marks Park
Dates: Weekdays throughout the exhibition (18 October – 1 November)
Times: 10.30am -11.30am (60mins)
Cost: $185 (max 15 students in each group)

For subsidised options and tours spoken in other languages please contact [email protected]

Tactile Tours

Tactile Tours offer people with disabilities a guided tour with an experienced Sculpture by the Sea guide. They are encouraged to interact, respond and engage with a selection of sculptures nominated by both the artist and the Site Manager as being safe to touch. The tours take place in accessible areas in Marks Park.

“It’s just wonderful to find current community activities that have been made accessible for those with low vision and blindness to enjoy.” Ingrid Barnes, Guide Dogs Australia

Location: Marks Park
Dates: Weekdays throughout the exhibition (18 October – 1 November)
Times: Tactile Tours are available weekdays from 10am during the exhibition and run for 60 minutes.
Cost: Free of charge
Bookings are essential contact  [email protected]

Once we have received your details we will contact you with confirmation of your booking.

Sculptors to schools

Our outreach program Sculptors to Schools is available to schools in greater Sydney throughout the year supporting students with disability and limited access. For more information please visit the link below: