Student at an Artist-led workshop with Mikaela Castledine in Perth
As part of our outreach program in Western Australia, Mikaela Castledine recently conducted artist-led workshops at Belmont and Marangaroo Primary Schools, located in the northern suburbs of Perth.
School students learnt a crotchet stitch weaving rope shapes into sculptures. The technique required persistence and shared collaborative experience. With many of the students overheard saying “this is really hard”, to “wow – look what I just made!” There were lots of smiles all round as students worked through the process of practice – stitching, taking apart and remaking their sculptures, whilst also learning from their mistakes and their neighbours.
Over the past three years Sculpture by the Sea, has been developing a relationship with these schools. Bringing artists into communities lacking in opportunities, the program has provided a window, a different way of looking at the world, one with greater possibilities.
Thank-you to the Jon and Caro Stewart Family Foundation in Western Australia for their ongoing support of this program.
Artist-led workshop with Mikaela Castledine in Perth