
Introducing Exhibiting Artist Li Wei of China

Posted: February 25, 2016 / News

Sculpture by the Sea is very excited to introduce the wonderful Li Wei from China at this year’s 2016 Cottesloe exhibition thanks to funding from Tourism WA .  Li Wei’s work is an extraordinary mix of performance art and photography. Using acrobatics, props, cranes and wires, the artist is world renowned for his surprising, dramatic and…

Spotlight on Chinese Sculptures arriving in Perth for Sculpture by the Sea

Posted: February 19, 2015 / News

  We are very proud of the international spectrum of artists represented at Sculpture by the Sea. Each year we are exhibiting artists from more countries around the world. There are three wonderful works which have come from China in this year’s Cottesloe exhibition. Artists Wang Shugang, Chen Wen Ling and Wendi Zhang have created…