Sculpture by the Sea in Sydney and Perth are among the largest free to the public events in the world – yet we probably receive less government support than any other comparable free art exhibition in Australia if not the world.
Did you know you can help stage one of Australia’s largest cultural events?
Sculpture by the Sea is a not for profit organisation. The support of our individual donors and sponsors is fundamental in our ability to produce our Sydney and Perth exhibitions and it is through this generosity that Sculpture by the Sea remains a free exhibition for visitors across Australia and overseas.
The support of our donors and sponsors allows us to achieve our goals of staging the exhibitions while providing previously unavailable career opportunities for emerging and established Australian sculptors; exhibiting international sculptors to Australia for all to enjoy; assisting our heavily subsidised schools’ education program; and our disabled access program. Please see the pie chart below of our income sources.
To help us achieve our goals We invite you to support Sculpture by the Sea by making a tax deductible donation in one of the following ways:
We would be delighted to welcome you to support Sculpture by the Sea. Please contact Ultan O’Dwyer, our Sponsorship & Philanthropy Manager to learn more about how you can help keep sculpture free!
As a not-for-profit entity listed on the National Cultural Register, all donations to Sculpture by the Sea are fully tax deductible. Thank you for considering a gift to Sculpture by the Sea.
Kaoru Matsumoto, cycle 90 “a premonition of wind” XI, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2015. Photo Clyde Yee.